Help for new Christians

    Too many times, people make a decision for the Lord, get baptized, then we dump them in a pew and encourage them to fit in. They come back every Sunday and hear a sermon very much like the one they heard when God spoke to them and led them down to the altar. Hopefully, they get into Sunday school and begin to make friends. Then, for a time, they are motivated enough to make an attempt at reading the Bible. And that’s about it. We go through the motions pretty good. We begin to believe that if we “go to the right church” we are living in God’s will. If that is all you do, you are still in better shape than if you didn’t, but God wants more.

     Jesus wants to have a relationship with you that goes beyond an introduction. Jesus, more than anyone else, understands how it is like to be you. He completely understands you and accepts you. What YOU don’t understand is the first thing about yourself, much less, how God sees you. Have you ever really thought about it?

Here is the simple question that I came across in the Celebrate Recovery step study material that absolutely changed my life:

  “what do you believe about God?”

I couldn’t answer the question. I believed IN God, but I honestly struggled with what I believed ABOUT God. What do you believe about God? Have you learned enough about him to answer the question? I read books, I read my Bible. I go to Sunday School and four or five Bible study groups every week and I return to this question and try to answer it again. I probably struggle more that I did when I first considered it and I am thankful.

Here is a place to start:

Read these books

THE BIBLE- A tip for readers on any level- Download some bible software or a bible app like You Version that has recorded audio, like a Bible on tape. Get one that will allow you to read along with the narration. Even if you have or hopefully DO(continue to ) read the Bible, doing it at the slower pace while you listen will make a huge difference. One way that it helps me is when I come across a word, usually a name that I can’t pronounce. 

Look at these:

Glo Bible (no audio) Excellent navigation. Maps, videos, and illustrations included. (free and pay versions)

You Version – Works right in your browser and there are apps for your phones and tablets

  1. Lifetime Guarantee
  2. Not a Fan
  3. The Case for Christ


  1. The Bible Suite
  2. Bible Gatweay
  3. Chip Ingrham
  4. Dr. Michael Youseff
  5. Christian Radio

and This.

Most of all, trust in Jesus and know that he was sent to be sacrificed for you. Trust the Holy Spirit and know that he was sent to teach and comfort you (John 14:26).

I know it seems like a lot of information to digest, and it is. You will find that as God begins to speak to you, you will become thirsty for his word.




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